Dear Colleagues,
Welcome to the 47th “Annual Conference of Psychology and the Brain” at the Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg.
This traditional conference – organized together with the Biological and Neuropsychology section of the German Psychological Society and German Society of Psychophysiology – offers a broad spectrum of the neurobiology of human behavior, extending to its applications in psychology. The conference program consists of keynote lectures given by leaders in the field as well as 36 subject-specific symposia, more than 250 posters, pre-conference workshops for early career researchers and – last but not least – Baden evening programs to communicate and to “network”.
We look forward to welcoming you to Freiburg!
Markus Heinrichs and Monika Schönauer
Julia Becker
Christoph Breuninger
Johanna Brustkern
Annette Feith
Sophie Fölbach
Antonia Lenders
Lea Lott
Laura Oswald
Philipp Paulus
Nora Roüast
Helen Soyeaux
Franny Spengler
Bastian Schiller
Tobias Stächele
Daniel Tönsing
Julia Waldschmitt
Prof. Dr. Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg |
Prof. Dr. John F. Cryan |
Prof. Dr. Brigitte Röder |
Central Institute of Mental Health Mannheim, |
University College Cork |
University of Hamburg |
Prof. Dr. Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg |
Central Institute of Mental Health Mannheim, |
Prof. Dr. John F. Cryan |
University College Cork |
Prof. Dr. Brigitte Röder |
University of Hamburg |
Welcome Reception
with a Baden barbecue and draft beer

Dinner Party